Words With Short A. Here's the reason why words with only three letters typically make the short vowel sound. Other worksheets incorporate rhyming so students can compare sound similarities among words.
CVC are the words that are spelled with a consonant, vowel and then consonant again. If there is a mistake, a teacher or Kids love more visual CVC worksheets and they are more eager to read words with accompanying pictures. These CVC Short A Worksheets include short a words and short a activities.
Students will enjoy having a helpful resource that they can use while studying.
Words with short "u", Words with short "… Students write words with the short a and the short o sounds.
Learner's word of the day. cooperate. Click the buttons to print each worksheet and associated answer key. Sometimes W substitutes Quite a few common words spelled with 'O' are pronounced with a short 'U' sound: of, love, money, other, some, son. (That means some and sum.