Long And Short Vowel Sort Worksheet. Used by teachers and homeschool parents to accelerate their child's educational development. The most common long a words are: baby, lady, paper, bake, rake and lane.
Long and Short Vowel Worksheet Given words to say if the make a short or long vowel sound. This packet includes worksheets and picture sorting activity for long and short vowel sound. They ask students to read, say, listen and then write the words so cover all the main skills of English.
This game challenges early readers to put all the pictures with a long vowel sound in one cart and all the pictures with a short vowel sound in the other cart.
Expand this worksheet with our comprehensive lesson plan, Apples and Bananas.
Your students will encounter words with long and short vowels in them. Most activities on this page align with the following Common Core Standards: CCSS. Short Vowels Worksheets: Long and Short O - Look for the long "O" sound, but if you hear the short sound, color it up.